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1.矿山酸性条件下砷酸铁沉淀及结晶转化分子机制研究,42207258,国家自然科学基金委员会 青年科学基金项目,30万,2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持。


3.矿区及周边场地砷污染扩散阻控与修复技术,2020YFC1807800,中华人民共和国科学技术部 重点研发计划项目,4287万,2022-11至2024-10,在研,参与。

4.有色冶炼含砷废渣长期稳定性的分子机制及调控,41530643,国家自然科学基金委员会 重点项目,300万,2016-01至2020-12,已结题,参与。

5.环境条件和养殖模式对大型经济类海藻砷吸收和转化的影响,41877379,国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目,61万,2019-01至2022-12,已结题,参与。

6.酸性矿山废水中无定形次生含砷矿物的赋存分子形态及稳定性研究,41877393,国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目61万,2019-01至2022-12,已结题,参与。

7.铁还原对臭葱石和铁砷共沉淀的矿物转化与砷再分配影响,41703133,国家自然科学基金委员会 青年科学基金项目,25万,2018-01至2020-12,已结题,参与。



1.Ma, X., Su, R., Zhu, X., Zhao, Z., Zeng, X., Wang, S. and Jia, Y., 2022. An innovative strategy for efficient and economical arsenic removal in hydrometallurgical waste sulfuric acid by co-treatment with Fe–As coprecipitation residue via scorodite formation. J. Clean. Prod., 375: 134186.(SCI收录)

2.Ma, X., Zhang, J.X., Gomez, M.A., Ding, Y., Yao, S.H., Lv, H.T., Wang, X., Wang, S.F. and Jia, Y.F., 2021. Partitioning and transformation behavior of arsenic during Fe(III)-As(III)-As(V)-SO42− coprecipitation and subsequent aging process in acidic solutions: Implication for arsenic mobility and fixation. Sci. Total Environ., 799(10): 149474.(SCI收录)

3.Su, R.1, Ma, X.1, Yin, X.L., Zhao, X.M., Yan, Z.L., Lin, J.R., Zeng, X.F., Zhang, D.N., Wang, S.F. and Jia, Y.F., 2021. Arsenic removal from hydrometallurgical waste sulfuric acid via scorodite formation using siderite (FeCO3). Chem. Eng. J., 424: 130552.(SCI收录)

4.Ma, X., Gomez, M.A., Yuan, Z.D., Bi, R., Zhang, J.X., Wang, S.F., Yao, S.H., Kersten, M. and Jia, Y.F., 2020. Incorporation of trace metals Cu, Zn, and Cd into gypsum: Implication on their mobility and fate in natural and anthropogenic environments. Chem. Geol.: 119574.(SCI收录)

5.Ma, X., Su, R., Zhao, X.M., Liu, S.J., Wu, X., Wang, S.F. and Jia, Y.F., 2021. Phase transformation of hydrous ferric arsenate in the presence of Fe(II) under anaerobic conditions: Implications for arsenic mobility and fate in natural and anthropogenic environments. Chem. Geol., 578(20): 120321.(SCI收录)

6.Ma, X., Wang, S., Gomez, M.A., Yuan, Z., Wu, X., Yao, S. and Jia, Y., 2022. Insight into the effect of SO42− on the precipitation and solubility of ferric arsenate in acidic solutions: Implication for arsenic mobility and fate. Chem. Geol., 602: 120900.(SCI收录)

7.Ma, X., Yao, S.H., Yuan, Z.D., Bi, R., Wu, X., Zhang, J.X., Wang, S.F., Wang, X. and Jia, Y.F., 2020. Detoxification and reclamation of hydrometallurgical arsenic- and trace metals-bearing gypsum via hydrothermal recrystallization in acid solution. Chemosphere, 250: 126290.(SCI收录)

8.Ma, X., Gomez, M.A., Yuan, Z.D., Zhang, G.Q., Wang, S.F., Li, S.F., Yao, S.H., Wang, X. and Jia, Y.F., 2019. A novel method for preparing an As(V) solution for scorodite synthesis from an arsenic sulphide residue in a Pb refinery. Hydrometallurgy, 183: 1-8.(SCI收录)

9.Ma, X., Qi, F.D., Gomez, M.A., Su, R., Yan, Z.L., Yao, S.H., Wang, S.F. and Jia, Y.F., 2022. Spectroscopic study on the local structure of sulfate (SO42-) incorporated in scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) lattice: Implication for understanding the Fe(III)-As(V)-SO42- bearing minerals formation. Am. Mineral., 107 (10): 1840–1849. (SCI收录)

10.Ma, X., Yuan, Z.D., Gomez, M.A., Wang, X., Wang, S.F., Yao, S.H. and Jia, Y.F., 2017. A qualitative and quantitative investigation of partitioning and local structure of arsenate in barite lattice during coprecipitation of barium, sulfate, and arsenate. Am. Mineral, 102(12): 2512-2520.(SCI收录)

11.Ma, X., Yuan, Z.D., Zhang, G.Q., Zhang, J.X., Wang, X., Wang, S.F. and Jia, Y.F., 2020c. Alternative method for the treatment of hydrometallurgical arsenic–calcium residues: The immobilization of arsenic as scorodite. ACS Omega, 5(22): 12979–12988. (SCI收录)

12.Ma, X., Li, S.F., Yuan, Z.D., Yao, S.H., Jia, Y.F. and Wang, S.F., 2019. Stabilization of scorodite by aluminum silicate microencapsulation. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 145(4): 04019010.(SCI收录)


1.贾永锋, 马旭.一种砷酸钙和/或亚砷酸钙的酸解方法. ZL201710445079.2(2018.12.14授权

2.贾永锋, 马旭. 一种硫化砷渣制备五价砷浸出液的方法. ZL201710500670.3(2019.03.01授权)

3.贾永锋, 马旭, 王少锋. 一种含砷石膏资源化处理的方法及处理所得低砷石膏的应用. ZL201910733910.3(2019.03.01授权)

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