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1.Lei Zhang*, Pu Yang, Kongyun Zhu*, Xinran Ji, Jiao Ma, Lan Mu, Fahim Ullah, Wenxiang Ouyang, AiminLi. Biorefinery-oriented full utilization of food waste and sewage sludge by integrating anaerobic digestion and combustion: Synergistic enhancement and energy evaluation[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022: 134925. (通讯作者,SCI,1区, IF2021 = 11.072)

2.Kongyun Zhu, Qiutong Liu, Chao Dang, Aimin Li, Lei Zhang*. Valorization of hydrothermal carbonization products by anaerobic digestion: Inhibitor identification, biomethanization potential and process intensification[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 341: 125752. (第一作者,SCI,1区, IF2021 = 11.889)

3.Kongyun Zhu, Lei Zhang*, Xuexue Wang, Lan Mu, Changjing Li, Aimin Li. Inhibition of norfloxacin on anaerobic digestion: Focusing on the recoverability and shifted microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 752: 141733. (第一作者,SCI,1区, IF2021 = 10.753)

4.朱孔云, 党超, 张雷*, 李爱民. 秸秆混菌厌氧链延长生产中链脂肪酸: pH调控作用. 科学通报, 2020. (第一作者,复合影响因子1.730, EI, 卓越期刊, 中文核心)

5.Kongyun Zhu, Lei Zhang*, Lan Mu, Jiao Ma, Xuexue Wang, Changjing Li, Yubo Cui, Aimin Li. Antagonistic effect of zinc oxide nanoparticle and surfactant on anaerobic digestion: Focusing on the microbial community changes and interactive mechanism. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 297: 122382. (第一作者,SCI,1区,IF2020 = 9.642)

6.Kongyun Zhu, Lei Zhang*, Lan Mu, Jiao Ma, Changjing Li, Aimin Li*. Anaerobic digestion of surfactant and lipid co-existing organic waste: Focusing on the antagonistic enhancement. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 371: 96-106. (第一作者,SCI,1区,IF2019 = 10.652)

7.Kongyun Zhu, Lei Zhang*, Lan Mu, Jiao Ma, Changjing Li, Aimin Li*. Comprehensive investigation of soybean oil-derived LCFAs on anaerobic digestion of organic waste: Inhibitory effect and transformation. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 151: 107314. (第一作者,SCI,2区,IF2019 = 3.475)

8.Lei Zhang1(导师), Kongyun Zhu1, Aimin Li*. Differentiated effects of osmoprotectants on anaerobic syntrophic microbial populations at saline conditions and its engineering aspects. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 288: 116-125. (共同一作,SCI,1区,IF2016 = 6.216)


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